Foster’s ego left begging

The City of Melbourne rightly rejected the motion of resentment put forward by Cr Richard Foster at last Tuesday’s Council Meeting.

The issue under discussion was the need for community action to prevent criminal behavior associated with some persons who are “begging” on Melbourne Streets with concern that vulnerable citizens and visitors to the City were subjected to harassment, threats and intimidation.

Fosters motion, like this  proposed citywide smoking ban, was ill-considered.  Clearly he had not thought this through. Foster realizing that his motion was facing serious opposition tried to modify the motion but in doing so only highlighted his own failings.

The doomed motion was seconded by Cr Watts and received half-hearted support from Cr. Mayne

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, correctly highlighted the problems with the motion and called it for what it was. A cheap shot from a councilor who nose was out of joint and who was not consulted.   Councillor Foster was interstate at the time this issue was raised by the Lord Mayor.,  Council does not stop when a Councillor is not in attendance. Even primadonnas such as Councillor Foster

Cr Foster may also be in breach of the Council’s Code of Conduct Item 3.2 which is a serious offense. As a Lawyer Cr Foster, although not a signature to the code, should have been aware of this.

In a surprising but correct move Cr’s Leppert and Oake opposed the motion.

For:  Councillors Foster, Watts and Mayne
Against: Lord Mayor Robert Doyle,  Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Beverly Pinder-Mortimor, Arron Wood, Kevin Louey, Rohan Leppert, Cathy Oake
Absent: Ken Ong

Interested people can listen to the bebate on the motion here.  (Debate starts at 52 mins on)

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