Singer turns Green having been shafted by the Irish contender

Lord Mayor aspirant, Gary Singer, has changed preference on his How-to-vote cards having been shafted   in a preference deal with  incumbent City Councillor and Irish community leader  Brian Shanahan.

Shanhan, a member of the ALP, welshed on a deal to cross preferences with Gary Singer at the last minute as the town halls bells began to strike 12. The preference deal designed to boost Kevin Chamberlin’s chances of being elected betrayed Singer by relegating him to a position below incumbent Lord Mayor Robert Doyle – A deal that has angered Gary Singer.

Gary Singer in defiance has now distributed throughout Melbourne a How-to-vote card that places the Greens ahead of the Shanahan/Chamberlin Team.  The deal may well see Robert Doyle returned to office 

Singers re-alignment preference allocation to the Greens ahead of all other contenders will reduce his appeal to the electorate and increase Robert Doyle’s chances of being re-elected.

The X-Factor

Gary Singer’s attempt to capitalize on the good name of ex-lord Mayor John So is also beginning to faulter with the electorate showing signs of rejection of the John So dynasty and hand over to his son. Singer/So ticket is not pulling in the audience. He has been sidelined by the media and is no longer seen as a real contender for the leadership role – He just does not have the X-Factor.

The Avoidance

In a side show Gary Singer has come under criticism by a former City Councillor for not paying his debts.  Community activist and ex-City Councillor Fiona Snedden claims that Gary Singer crashed into her car in the Council Car Park causing over $3,000 damage.  Singer, a millionaire executive of Sothebys, admitted fault at the time but has failed to pay for the damage he caused leaving Fiona Snedden, a single mum, out of pocket and without a car for the last five years. 

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