New York Apple Pie John So and Council propose expenditure of 26,000 for 3 day junket

New York, New York, what a wonderful town at 26,000 for two to visit the big apple

Melbourne City Council’s “Can not say no to proposed expenditure” John So is planning a 3 day visit to America’s “big apple” New York. The Load Mayor and Geoff Lawless are proposing to spend up big whilst visiting the big apple at an estimated cost of $13,000 each for three days. ‘Ouch’ there goes the budget. Most people can live for a year on $26,000.

Those ratepayers that are struggling to pay off the second mortgage or those who are homeless might like to reflect more on the excess of the Lord Mayors Office. (this is just the tip of the ice berg)

The advertised cost of a business class ticket from Qantas is listed at $12,820 (Flight Centre lists from $5,670) Qantas economy class listed at $2,307).

Assuming the Council can secure a competitive air fare that means the Lord Mayor and Jeff Lawless will be spending around $3,000 a day on a rate-payer funded New York luxury holiday no expenses spared.

Travel on.

The Large Cities Climate Leadership Group (who is organising this junket) is a group of cities committed to teh reduction of Green House Gas Emmissions and adopting to climate change. Questions not asked by teh City Council Travel club members include: Could the aims and aobjkects of this conference have been ahchieved by organising a e-conference and internet link up as opposed to proping up the business travel tourist sector?

Carbon Emission Sustainability consumption (Missing from report)

The proposed New York Travel will generate in excess of 7.5 tons of Co2 gas based on calculation for an economy air fare ticket. (Four times gas generated more for Business Class).

Note to Fraser Brindely: If the City Council is serious about a Green Environment then it should as a matter of course list down the estaimated carbon emmision form all interstate and international council funded travel. CVr Brindly should seek amendemnet to teh City Couchnils travel guidelines to ensure that this information is readily available and noted on all applications for travel.