The City of Melbourne has issued a fine for not voting at the 2012 Municipal election even though they were not entitled to remain on the municipal role.
The person concerned had moved house in the weeks before the October 2012 Council and as such lost her entitlement to vote. Earlier this year the City of Melbourne issued fines for not voting. Appalled by council’s administrative error they wrote to the City of Melbourne and informed them that she did not live within the municipality at the time and as such was not entitled to vote.
The City Council wrote back rejecting her application to have the fine revoked and increased the fines value. A situation that has caused considerable stress resulting in her having to seek medical attention and delays in paying her rent in the days leading up to Chirstmas.
The Melbourne City Council failed to explain on what basis they rejected her request to have the fine revoked.
The matter now has to go to court in order to right the wrong. More stress and more costs involved.
Entitlements relating to enrolment (1) A person can only be enrolled on the voters‘ roll of a Council if the person is a resident in the municipal district of the Council or a ratepayer to the Council exercising an entitlement under and in accordance with this Division.