Questionable conduct: Report on Lord Mayor’s Harassment Claim – tabled but not distributed

The City of Melbourne tabled a report on the Coucnillor Conduct Panel’s determination of Cr Jackie Watts harasment claim made againt Lord Mayor Robert Doyle.

Link: 6.7b Councillor Conduct Panel – tabling of determination and reasons for determination

The report was tabled by a motion moved Councillor Stephen Mayne and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley.

Cone of Silence amongst brothers and sisters

The Melbourne City Council refused to make copies of the report available to the media and members of the public in the public gallery.

Stephen Mayne refused to outline the finding of the report and the recommendations made which is required under law to be tabled at the Council meeting.

The extent of silence amongst Councillors was deafening as the motion was passed without debate or discussion.